The 10th Vinyl India International PVC & Chlor - Alkali Summit 2023 is a blockbuster success
The 10th Vinyl India International PVC & Chlor - Alkali Summit 2023 was conducted recently and was a massive success. Goldstab Organics, who were the platinum partners for the event expressed their sincere gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of this summit.
The event was an excellent opportunity for the industry to come together and showcase their company's expertise and connect with industry leaders. Rajeev Mehendale, founder of Goldstab Organics was also one of the keynote speakers at the prestigious event. He delivered a very informative & beneficial presentation on the ‘Latest Trends & Developments in Stabilizers’.
Additionally, he appreciated ElitePlus Business Service for giving a platform that brings all top-notch industry professionals share valuable insights and knowledge.
The International summit was conducted on 26th and 27th April in Mumbai. Take a peek at the glimpses from the event.

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